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News Events


We are happy to announce that the online admissions are open for Nursery 2024-25 at St John's school, Cleveland Town Bangalore,from 4th July 2024 for the age group of 3 to 4 years.   Do encourage and share this poster and brochure to your family and friends circle.......

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STD XI Admission 2024 - 2025

Online Application forms for STD XI  for the year 2024 -2025  is available . The URL for applying online Click: Principal...

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U. K. G. Admission 2024- 2025

Online Application forms for UKG Admission for year 2024 -2025  is available online. For UKG, the minimum age should be five years and the maximumage permissible shall be 6 years as on 1st June 2024. The URL for applying online is https://ocadmissions.stjohnshighsch...

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